Drake Counseling Services

0:07 It's so important to have services related to mental health and especially a college counseling center available to students because you're so aware that there are so many things that students might be dealing with. 0:17 At the Broad Lodge Drake University...

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Is Test-Optional Right for Me?

Test-optional has become a staple vocabulary term in the world of higher education. But what does test-optional mean, and how do you determine if it’s the right college application style for you? Read on to learn what test-optional means, some similar (but different)...

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The Tuition Guarantee Explained

As you start to compare the costs of your top colleges, you may see the term “Tuition Guarantee.” A tuition guarantee is a simple, straightforward incentive that guarantees the cost of undergraduate tuition for a set term. At Drake University, our tuition guarantee is...

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How to Pay Off Your Student Loan

There are a lot of stories in the news and on social media about working adults struggling to pay back their student loans while their debt continues to grow. Here are a few ways you can plan to make sure you’re able to pay off your loans in...

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